Being “Neither from Here, Nor from There” and Other Dialectical Tensions in the Immigrant’s Mind
By María Verónica Laguna, LCSW It’s been almost a decade since I landed at the JKF Airport in New YorkRead more…
By María Verónica Laguna, LCSW It’s been almost a decade since I landed at the JKF Airport in New YorkRead more…
By Jamie Bennett, LMSW As a clinician, I support patients in finding the value in their experiences, the “silver linings”Read more…
While many of my clients are attractive in various ways, I have never wanted to be involved with them inRead more…
I think we need to deal with some semantics before answering this question. First the “truly” is associated with aRead more…
The danger is that those issues will continually impact and shape our lives without us understanding what is going on.Read more…
While I don’t love the word, “normal”, this is very very common, and is something I’d expect in many cases.Read more…
In much the same way you’d heal from damage inflicted on you by others. First, you try to understand whyRead more…